Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Redwoods: Poem for a Wednesday morning with little sleep


trees tall, bleak
can't speak
trees strong, bleak
gone numb

philosophies become cold
idealism gone old
can't - can't -
it hurts the pocketbook,
it hurts the mind

no, we can't
we once could but
now we can't

prunes do not mix with
you'll choke, I'll puke
we have chosen
different spoons

the cereal
the cornflakes
have become polluted
oranges moldy
bread stale

we can no longer
- we can't -


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Saturday morning musings of a disgruntled dreamer

There's no believer like a convert, and no lover like the one who left you and came back.

Somebody must be reading my writing and I'm scared.

Roseanne Rosanna Danna's popular notion of "It's always something" is rather depressing for me.  Can't it be alright sometimes?  Even a lot of the time.  That would be ok with me.

The psychiatrists call "racing thoughts" a symptom of mental breakdown.  But is it?  Depends how fast they're racing.  Maybe they are just flowing in different directions sometimes.  Catch them.

Relieving yourself of constipation and losing weight are very similar to putting thoughts on paper.

If I am in conflict, normally I will trust thought over feeling, but it is not always this way.  You can overthink.

Putting thoughts into clear words, mindfulness, noticing that you are placing your glasses down in one particular spot, mentally repeating someone's name after you have been introduced, then surprising them an hour later when you call them by their name.  Surprising yourself when you remember where you put your glasses.  Mental mindfulness.

Recurring anxieties, who needs them.  Why worry about the same things over and over and over again.  Read.  Change the channel.

I saw a psychiatrist recently.  If she could've stopped staring away from me at the computer screen, she might've been capable of saying something really insightful or compassionate or even creative.  I suspect she's a victim of mental constipation too and goes to sleep at night not knowing much about what she's thinking or feeling at all, waking up the next morning to block it all out again and perform her routines.

My mother was the biggest procrastinator on Earth.  But I was very impulsive, so I guess I needed her.  It seems to me her motto was "Take your time."

Inertia.  Sitting, unable to stand.  Standing, unable to sit.  Inertia.

Why am I spilling my guts out?  I don't know, it's my job.  Byron Katie says that everybody has one.  So like, when the cat's licking her fur, she's doing her job.  Or when she sits, resembling a meatloaf (someone once said that).  Or when crickets rub their little legs together on a spring night and make that pleasant sound, it's their job.  Or the little Mexican guy inside the radiator banging with his little metal hammer when the heat comes up.  That's his job.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Don't follow bad habits after bad

A habit is something a nun wears.  It's not pretty, but if you wear it every day, you get used to it.  A rabbit is a soft furry creature that can be almost as much fun as a cat or dog.

I'm beginning to think I don't know what the hell I'm talking about

Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote.  Leave it to God, they say.  But how's God gonna vote without them?  The Dems were busy smoking dope and forgot to vote.  The Repubs were divided.  The radicals voted for Jill Stein.  So the electoral college, having no other choice, elected Trump.  Now what?  Good or bad?  Who knows.  The story of the Chinese young man who broke his leg and escaped army service.  "Good or bad?  Who knows."

Monday, November 14, 2016

last thing I'm going to write here tonight

One Day a Long Time Ago

I asked for angels
to tell me
what is my purpose here -

I swear to you,
this is what they did say,
"We need your perspective,"
then flew away -


State sovereignty?

this is a dilemma.  The states' electoral colleges elected Trump.  We did not have majority rule as a people.  Is this right or wrong?   Churchill said, [I won't put it in quotes because it may not be an exact quote]:  Democracy is the best system of government in the world, and the worst system of government in the world.  Well, so who knows,God?  S/He is not talking.

Trump [so he got what he wanted, his name is everywhere] saying that states should have the right to decide on the abortion issue.  I am more in favor of the opinion that this is a woman's right to decide [didn't we pass ERA as a nation?  We are a nation, not just a system of states.]

There is one good thing that could come of that, if it ever happened.  Doubtful it would.  But, here it is:  If states were to decide the issue for themselves, this could prevent what's still happening in the midwest -- blowing up of abortion clinics.  However, there would be hopeless women not wanting to raise a baby, not able to move to another state, possibly committing suicide or as in the old days, performing self-induced abortions that would often lead to the death of the baby and themselves.  Of course, there are the obvious problems a woman and her children will have if she can't afford any more children and if her education is thwarted and so on and so on.

I believe these men who claim to be able to decide the issue for women on religious grounds have been reading a little too much of the old patriarchal parts of the Bible, such as passages in Corinthians and Timothy.


Checking out the different features here, I saw this question under the heading, Settings☺%@#! --  Adult Content? -- followed by No, of course.  This blog is obviously strictly for kids.

as usual a hectic morning

trying to decide between corn flakes and raisin bran.  easy choice.  more in the mood for cornflakes.