Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Let It Be

I Take a Shower Every Day

I have reached the magic age
of 64.
Most of my inner battles are over.

The desk is a mess.
It is always a mess.
Let it be messy.

My bank account is low.
It is always low.
Let it be low.

Every day I think
I'll one day catch up.
Every day I can't
get caught up.

It is what it is,
and there's a kind of security
in that.

This is the way things are.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Some Tao poems

The Way of Tao

It cannot be described;
the deepest thoughts
are hidden
from conscious mind.

Tap into the well;
it is always there.
All things converge.


"Wherever two pray,
God abides
between them."
Three joined together
can carry

Giving and Having

From what you
give away
your gain -

As the wealth
you seek is
having given out
freely a part of
your soul to others.

That is how
you want to
be known.
Stay honest.
Be charitable.
Be well.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Morning Ditty

Love is a blind bat
flying low

Love is the hole
in the doughnut

Love is the nut
in the fruit bread

And the parrot shrieks,
"Keep your head!"


Morning again

This morning I woke up to my tiny Rudy waiting patiently for my eyes to open.  As she looked at me wonderingly, as is her custom, my first thought was, Why don't you get up this morning and surprise yourself and do something amazing?  To which I countered, Yeah, what?  Make coffee?  Proceeding to the bathroom, I vowed I would make coffee.