Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Today is a new day

I don't care about a little belly.  Actually the less I care about it, the more it shrinks.
I must be manic-depressive.  The lows are terrible, the highs are great, is there anything that can cure this?
Lithium made me incontinent once.
The thing about painted fingernails is that I can't paint.  I can't messs up the nails.  So I have to do something else.  Having been addicted to painting for many months now, it was very difficult and frustrating to try to think of something else to do that would be equally satisfying.  I turn back to editing my poetry, and I turn to Dorothy Parker lately for inspiration.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Losing Weight and how my day went yesterday

This is an obsession with many of us women.  It feels like I lost a few lbs., and this makes me very happy.  I once heard someone say that the thing many women love the most is when they lose weight.  I have seen people who are enormous and wonder how or why they do that to themselves and oddly, how they sometimes find a lover who digs cooking food for them and watching them gorge themselves.  This to me is very weird.

So if I ever thought I was weird, how about that?

Moving on...I just went and had my nails done yesterday, which was a major achievement in several ways.  1. It's unusual for me to have enough money to do this, especially at the end of the month!  2. I walked up and back, I don't know how many blocks, instead of taking the bus.  3. I did this in the afternoon after having had no sleep the night before.  I did nod out briefly whenever I sat down, but that was it.

I woke up feeling very crabby and out of it today.  After a couple of hours I found I was better than ever and glad to be alive.  Meanwhile my nails look pretty.