Tuesday, November 13, 2018


There's some baggage
in your brain
that only wandering
can clear

If you travel well,
you lose all your luggage

How I wish I could write to Mumia Abu Jamal,

to him for whom no pardon ever comes -

whoops, I just found this too

another perfect 17-syllable haiku

She's still tottering up
her bank balance
with a stiff
arthritic hand

One Happy Thought


Accidentally Found Today

This just now I happened to grab out now from a nearby old notebook.....
(p.s. so damn many of those are already gone due to some extra-efficient housecleaning)


When I re-write over and over, I get tired, and my words can get tired too. Sometimes the original is the freshest. Sometimes, after much re-writing,  I may cross it all out  and sum it up in different words. This is how to get at the idea in a fresh stream, not a stagnant river, anywhere. not moving.

This is how to approach things I can't finish:  read it, and then start over. If I have allowed it to sit a long time, then my ideas should be clearer than when I started. Using the old, hack-ed up part for an outline, I create something fresh.