Monday, October 8, 2018

Something about Aretha Franklin, etc.

This is difficult. First I have to announce that "I'm Jewish," which is difficult for anybody. Ok, I was brought up as a Reform Jew and became a Christian, but that's another story. What I'm finding out is that I really love and respect the Orthodox Jews for some of their natural wisdom. I'm sure that I have had at least one Orthodox Jewish past life. I learned about it on an online reading once, it was probably on Sometimes I have found myself instinctively doing things and have no idea why I'm doing them and don't even notice it until later. After Aretha Franklin died I somehow let the hairs grow all over my face, until I started plucking them today. Unbelievable but when I looked at myself in the mirror today I also saw that I'm turning grey! I like it.

I also have met and know some Orthodox Jewish people who are quite liberal about it. Funny, my parents used to say, Where you have two Jews, there will be three opinions. It's an old saying. At least one Russian family I knew were liberal Orthodox and always put a Christmas tree up for New Years! I tutored with their children and also with their grandmother. The exclamation points I use a lot come from their mother, who used to use them all the time in her text messages to me. I think it's happy and upbeat. I have an old friend who also does this a lot in her infrequent cards to me, like for my birthday, well I always love hearing from her whenever it is.

Now this I really can't believe. One day I just put on some old clothes and started renting my garments (I don't know how I knew how to say that) or tearing them and crying. A friend told me it was Tisha B'av. Now I wasn't sure what Tisha B'av was before, didn't exactly know what it was about, til he told me. Never studied it, celebrated it, that is to say, commemorated it at all.

To get back to Aretha Franklin, I really miss her, and we all do. Entertainment Weekly, which I just happened to pick up that day, from Aug. 31, 2018, is a Special Tribute issue to Aretha.  1942-2018. We should all say a little prayer now and be grateful that Aretha Franklin was here for us in this world. Her picture on the cover of this issue was taken by Linda McCartney in 1968.

Oh and I like how the Orthodox Jews think about Messianic Jews. They say, once you turn Christian, you are a Christian. There are no Messianic Jews. Well, yes and no, but that's what I really think too. Nevertheless you just can't forget Judaism. Now I would rather call myself a Jewish Christian. Don't you think that's a better title, all of you Messianic Jews? Now what are you talking about afterall, by celebrating only Jewish holidays and fogetting all about Christmas and Easter?

I hope this is not too boring. Meanwhile it helps me a lot.

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