Sunday, October 21, 2018

Something about Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is as much a Gordon Lightfoot fan as I am. Therefore I have a feeling that one of the reasons he chose not to go and accept his Nobel Peace Prize? or Pulitzer Prize? was that Gordon Lightfoot also deserves a Pulitzer Prize. He is nearing his 80th birthday now!

What I really think is that the two of them should be awarded a Pulitzer Prize together. Wow, would that ever be beautiful to see.ON THE OTHER HAND, my fervent wish is for both of them to live as much longer as they like without being shot or something. Looks like to me in-person, at least in the USA today (a very good paper, with a capital T, and in color print yet -- not only that, but in the old days I once had a job selling it over the phone, and I liked it so much it wasn't too much of a problem for me, although I don't remember how many people actually signed up for the subscription) ...

it is very dangerous to appear as a star, or travel as one, (or even any old person, with the travel problems these days, especially chaos on the highways)  ...we do remember that lovely Princess Diana was crushed by two cars in one wicked and careless disaster, I don't know, but I could swear that was unnecessary, ...

-- And here I send my prayers to Heaven for the ever-lovely Princess Diana ...

... And here I insert the repeated prayers to Heaven for the wonderful Aretha Franklin, who just died awhile ago, and no one on the radio seems to have remembered it or her at all....

.... Sigh ...What a careless and inefficient world this is after all, time after time. And here is my 2nd favorite rock star and rock song, this one by Cyndi Lauper, yes, Time After Time. This of course follows my choice for #1 Meatloaf - with You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth.

I must get back to the point about chaos on the highways, the third paragraph. I was almost afraid I had goofed and taken part of that out, but it's still there. Now I'm just praying the computer does not find a way to lose all this, so just for the moment I will sign out and come back to this other issue, which concerns marijuana. Over and out.

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