Friday, October 19, 2018

Something About Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker once said, (not quite sure actual words), "I don't like writing, but I enjoy having written." The problem there of course is that she got it backwards.

Turning around to see the bowling pins fall down is not what you need to do. Let someone else watch that. All you know is that you nailed it for sure. My game, of course, was always terrible, the balls usually went straight into the gutter. (And you could smoke and drink beer in bowling alleys. I don't see any bowling alleys around anymore. Anyone know of one in Brooklyn?)

Dorothy Parker of course got her kicks by drinking, so that I guess was what she did afterward. You see why writing is really the most fun part of all?

She said some really amazing things too. One I especially liked was, I've never been a millionaire, but I think I'd make a damned good one. I hope those are the exact words, but I'm not putting quotes around it.

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