Saturday, April 6, 2019

Of course, I missed a few things and said a few things wrong......

yes, yes, and yes, I slipped up entirely by reporting everything I knew already and so many other things I had to say about our Bob Dylan.  sure, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Why not? I thought long ago he deserved that much justly for uniting and enlightening a large part of our planet Earth on World Peace and also introducing himself as the one notably originally Jewish person, like me, who had also made that awesome (for some) leap from (even one enlightened standpoint on Judaism) into the completely new area called True Christianity.

Without even so much as one or two good deep breaths, no one but he could have started out with his famous song "Blowin in the Wind" to make that one song so well-known all over the world.  Much later to follow with "Long Train Coming," the  most splendiferous of all his albums.  "Blood on the Tracks" was out of this world completely.  The list of his songs is so long I haven't begun to listen to them all yet.  To see him shuffling up to the microphone or even if there wasn't any microphone, casually walking up on stage saying, "I think you must have the wrong guy...." well, you can see that too, on Youtube.

Sure, I said first of all the neatest and best way for two kindred spirits to unite and both accept Pulitzers or any other kind of prizes together, for lifetime achievement awards, would be to bring them together.  Bob Dylan and Gordon Lightfoot.

Any more to be said I just don't have time for now before I prepare dinner.

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