Monday, November 27, 2017

5 Suggestions to Help Disorganized People

1. Even if you can't get it together, try to put things in neat piles.  Soon you may find that you are able to put them in more organized piles.

2. If you have two or more of something (e.g., scissors, magnifying glass, roll of tape) and you find them in different places, do not put them all in the same place.  This way if you forget where they are, you may happen to find one of them by accident.

3. Don't throw everything into the same desk drawer.

4. Don't throw things on the floor.

5. If you already have stuff on the floor, see suggestion #1.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


We float in a river
of doubt,

looking for a way
to get out.

There is no exit
from relentless flow;

tunblimg over stones
we go.

Learn to swim,
to dance,
to take a
second chance.


Your Smile

The smile I am accustomed to,
the easy laugh,
of these I could write
a paragraph.

I could fly
if I had wings
to leave this earthly shell,

But I can't,
so it's just as well;

I'll keep my feet
on earth awhile,
captivated by
your smile.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Trying to define Tao

The Tao?

From what I can understand,
Tao is the essence of all things,
and it is all things
and the beginning of all things.

In other words,
I don't know what it means,
nor does anybody.



Wednesday, November 15, 2017

This stuff is mainly for the Martians. I know that they really want to learn English and don't much care what they are reading!

Really I don't know what I'm talking about.  No, I don't.  But does anybody?  I don't even want to look at my older blog and hope nobody does.  Glad only 2 people ever read it.  One of them is now dead.  The other does not communicate with me anymore.  Any connection, I wonder?

I pretend no one at all is reading this or cares at all except the Martians, so I guess everything's all right.

Someone who writes from the heart (I don't know anybody like that!) ( joke) is compelled to bare thoughts and feelings of all kinds, sending out information about themselves into the stratosphere and hoping for the best.  Who's in the stratosphere but Martians and perhaps some Jupiterians (similar to our Presbyterians).  Enjoy it, you guys.  More gibberish later

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Poem about a bird


Anxiety just flew
out the window.

Oh tender bird,
what will I
hold onto now?


Friday, October 13, 2017

More Philosophy

Egg Whites

The mind is egg whites.
Tenderly fold it into
the sweet mix.

Wait, restless spirit,
the universe will reveal
the proper course;
the cake will rise.

Trust yourself.
It's your cake.
Don't follow recipes.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Let It Be

I Take a Shower Every Day

I have reached the magic age
of 64.
Most of my inner battles are over.

The desk is a mess.
It is always a mess.
Let it be messy.

My bank account is low.
It is always low.
Let it be low.

Every day I think
I'll one day catch up.
Every day I can't
get caught up.

It is what it is,
and there's a kind of security
in that.

This is the way things are.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Some Tao poems

The Way of Tao

It cannot be described;
the deepest thoughts
are hidden
from conscious mind.

Tap into the well;
it is always there.
All things converge.


"Wherever two pray,
God abides
between them."
Three joined together
can carry

Giving and Having

From what you
give away
your gain -

As the wealth
you seek is
having given out
freely a part of
your soul to others.

That is how
you want to
be known.
Stay honest.
Be charitable.
Be well.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Morning Ditty

Love is a blind bat
flying low

Love is the hole
in the doughnut

Love is the nut
in the fruit bread

And the parrot shrieks,
"Keep your head!"


Morning again

This morning I woke up to my tiny Rudy waiting patiently for my eyes to open.  As she looked at me wonderingly, as is her custom, my first thought was, Why don't you get up this morning and surprise yourself and do something amazing?  To which I countered, Yeah, what?  Make coffee?  Proceeding to the bathroom, I vowed I would make coffee.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Time Management

Did you ever make a schedule for yourself and then find yourself all caught up in something, such as straightening up followed by painting, and then all of a sudden it's 7 pm and time to eat, so you cook and eat, then you fall asleep, take a caffeine pill, put the dishes in the other side of the sink and lazily sit down to waste time on Facebook?

Monday, July 3, 2017

Notes to Self & 2 Poems

Notes to Self

My friend said,
"Don't write to the dead."
There is some advice
you can follow,
but not always.
You and they do not
always know your path,
which you must follow,
or destiny
(or the universe)
becomes confused.
You must
put things in writing
to clear your head.
The Buddha said,
"You must empty the cup
before you can pour
knowledge in."
You cannot value enough
knowledge and discretion.
Make a decision,
a conscious decision,
and be content with it.
Do not try to teach
a pig.

7/3/17/  rc

I Remember Dreaming

background of blue,
a baby-pink softness
ethereal clouds
streaked with auburn,

and a great crimson rising,
like a crab from her
bungalow of mud.

7/2/17  rc

You can't preserve the Moment,
but you can have it.

If you want to hold it
you can't keep it.
You will lose it.

Life and art are fleeting things,
like the air, going in and out,
out and in.

Music the greatest Art,
becomes air.
We breathe it
we breathe it
It is never lost.

7/3/17  rc

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Past few days

Sing to Despair

We sing to
the despair
of the air

dip the pen,
start again

there's more passion
in your sadness
than I find
in a roomful
of gladness;

Hearts and flowers
may do
for hours, or even days -
but it's the angst
we remember,
so my dear and fair,
sing to the
despair of the air.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Some new writings

The Miser

His own wealth
will be his undoing.

His house will crumble,
his wife grow cold.

For him nothing learned
in growing old.

Too much chocolate
palls the savor;

Money too
loses its flavor.


Poets, male vs. female

I think that the poetic voices of men are distinctive and different, but the writings of women poets can be rolled into one.  Do not misinterpret this to mean that I think it is in any way inferior or less various.  But women seem to have, even in the most isolated circumstances, a Great Binding Sisterhood.


Crying at weddings and funerals

Some of us, that is, many more than you might think, have an aversion to weddings and funerals because we are crying most of the time already.  There is no need to slot "crying" into our schedule.

It is mostly the bride who cries during and for many years after the wedding.  And a child who has lost or had absent family relationships will cry for all her life.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Today is a new day

I don't care about a little belly.  Actually the less I care about it, the more it shrinks.
I must be manic-depressive.  The lows are terrible, the highs are great, is there anything that can cure this?
Lithium made me incontinent once.
The thing about painted fingernails is that I can't paint.  I can't messs up the nails.  So I have to do something else.  Having been addicted to painting for many months now, it was very difficult and frustrating to try to think of something else to do that would be equally satisfying.  I turn back to editing my poetry, and I turn to Dorothy Parker lately for inspiration.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Losing Weight and how my day went yesterday

This is an obsession with many of us women.  It feels like I lost a few lbs., and this makes me very happy.  I once heard someone say that the thing many women love the most is when they lose weight.  I have seen people who are enormous and wonder how or why they do that to themselves and oddly, how they sometimes find a lover who digs cooking food for them and watching them gorge themselves.  This to me is very weird.

So if I ever thought I was weird, how about that?

Moving on...I just went and had my nails done yesterday, which was a major achievement in several ways.  1. It's unusual for me to have enough money to do this, especially at the end of the month!  2. I walked up and back, I don't know how many blocks, instead of taking the bus.  3. I did this in the afternoon after having had no sleep the night before.  I did nod out briefly whenever I sat down, but that was it.

I woke up feeling very crabby and out of it today.  After a couple of hours I found I was better than ever and glad to be alive.  Meanwhile my nails look pretty.

Monday, April 17, 2017

I need a secretary

Today more than ever I am worried about having gained some weight.  Not a lot, but enough to make me upset.  Upset totally out of proportion with the problem.  I'm in good health, considering.  Home life is ok.  Just really upset about the weight.  I want to lose a minimum of 10 lbs. as soon as possible.  Ordered some health supplements, hope they help.

Someone who used to be my closest friend is fading out of my life.  That is, the colors are fading.  From brilliant sky blue to yucky grey.  I don't have anything else to say about that.  It doesn't merit my thought or my time.

I'm in conflict about sharing a lot of my poetry online.  Working on a book, would like to keep most of it to myself these days.  Will the book ever be finished?  As long as I'm alive, probably not.  Picasso said, "A painting is never finished, you just get interrupted."  I kinda hope that one of these days I'll find a reason for an interruption, or at least a point where I can distinguish what I've done from what I am still doing, and stop and put together what I have so far.  I used to be a secretary.  I need a secretary.

Friday, April 7, 2017



It is real.
There are facts,
like math;
It is not founded
on gibberish, this universe.



Friday, March 31, 2017



Like a potted plant I sit
in the windy sun
pondering all that
I have done.

I have not followed
the road straight and narrow,
and I've been no stranger
to sorrow.

I wanted to see the world,
and I
saw much of the United States;

Through all of it
I could hardly say
that any had been a mistake.

The world is narrow,
the world is wide,
there's always something else
on the other side..

But coming home to Brooklyn
to sit in a pot
now is all I've got
and all I cherish;

Where my grandparents lived
is my abode,
and I'm not sorry
for the ride I rode.

Handicapped now
from wear and tear,
my pleasure is in
the knowledge I bear.

The world is narrow,
the world is wide,
there's always something else
on the other side.

RC  3/30/17

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Today's Riddle

Question:  What did the lady say to her neighbor upstairs with a hole in her kitchen floor?

Answer:  "You can drop in anytime."


Sunday, March 19, 2017

today's new stuff

Sometimes I wish a beautiful moment, like me with my kitty on my lap nose to nose.  But it does last forever, because every beautiful moment is a moment in eternity.
And it is eternal in memory, my own and the collective unconscious, which is cell memory.  Thus we hold eternity in our very cells.
The electric spark between me and my cat creates a mark in memory for both of us, and in a small but powerful way, reinforces the universal connection between people and animals.

more haiku:

The sidewalk is pink
and the shadows are blue,
all is well in my world.

A dozen pink roses
flung back at me -
The cat loves me, anyway.


Another one for the ex-

If dromedaries had spots,
you could stop by and see
my pink polka dot bikini,
but dromedaries don't.

So study your own
stamp collection,
our love never belonged
in the first-class section.



Friday, February 24, 2017

New Haikus

We bow to the Queen of Queens, the King of Kings, our Father/Mother God.

Unafraid of my cigarette, a brave butterfly brushes my cheek.

The lost and forsaken are but tarnished silver, living in boxes.

When Cheryl's good she's a gem in cement, but when she's bad she's awful.

Hungry cats in my kitchen run to their dishes faster than fishes.

Black angel stands tall washing dishes as if it's a sacred duty.


*These were not set up properly.  It is interesting to note that Walt Whitman originally did not set up his lines properly, and after someone told him to do that, his work looked better and was easier to understand.  They will look completely different now.

(17 syllables, but not really haiku unless set up like a poem.):

Unafraid of my cigarette,
a brave butterfly brushes
my cheek.

The lost and forsaken are but
tarnished silver,
living in boxes.

When Cheryl's good she's a gem
in cement,
but when she's bad she's awful.

Black angel stands tall
washing dishes as if
it's a sacred duty.

Hungry cats in my kitchen
run to their dishes
faster than fishes.

We bow to the
Queen of Queens,
the King of Kings,
our Father/Mother God.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Just more poems

Gertrude Stein's Circular Universe

Revolving, evolving, revolving
the circles go round and round
and so do we.

Now here we are in Ireland,
perhaps we are in France -
it makes no difference to me -
and the three cats agree.



All my life I've lived in
this haunted house

Where the heater in the basement
bangs like a death drum

It's too cold at night
and the windows don't open in the summer

Sometimes when the heat starts up
it crackles like
a forest fire

Strange people sit in corners, reading

The heater in the basement
sounds like a death drum


Monday, January 30, 2017

New poems

I really don't know how good any of this stuff is, but I guess maybe it's interesting....

Rhine Wine

Golden sup,
fill my cup

Let me glide
into a deep cave
of nothingness

Obliterate me,
sedate me

Turn my sorrows
into the forgotten past

Mesmerize me

Pour down your waterfall
of surcease

Scotch burns my throat,
wine goes down easier

Plunge me into that curious void,
where there is nothing to know,
and nothing to avoid


The Forgetting

I thrust pictures past
away like old bread -
who needs mold?

Reminiscences only
hurt the heart

The purse may be full,
but what if the heart is still?

I cling to the Heart of Now,
the Holy Heart

thrusting pictures past
away like old bread -


The Tryst

Our romance was lucky
it brought us both to life -

But I would not have lived with you,
or would ever have been your wife -
I wanted to -

Sometimes you meet a stranger
who tickles your buttons,
but you are already married,
so you smile and chew your gum.



Sunday, January 22, 2017

The state of affairs

Writing about Mom, thinking about Mom, met her in my sleep last night - no, not a dream.  A conversation.  Don't know whether to post my diaries but then who will ever read it?  Who else has this problem?  Ever read a book called "A New diary"?  excellent book.  why don't we want to share?  Doesn't everybody have the same problems really?  It's called "being human." 
What else is new?  Getting more comfortable with writing on the computer, though I still like the hand-head-heart connection.  Recent conclusion:  a la Freud -- we are more influenced by our emotions than by rational thinking.  Example:  I need to have another hip operation but I'm scared ____less, so my heart tells me why bother?  I have had enough of hospitals.  When the pain becomes so bad I can't walk, I may consider it again.  Honestly, hospitals are the pits.  People staring at computers, they call themselves nurses and doctors, even psychiatrists do it.  What has happened to humanity?????
  OMG! LOOK what else is happening to our people and our government!  This video was banned.  Copy and paste it into your browser right now.  Look at this, you will not believe it.  Oh, a dictatorship has already taken hold.  We are in for trouble!  Send this on FB!  Read it yourself!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New poem

The Shadow

Narcissistic bat
of synthetic black
rubbery wings
flying high over a pond –
drinking the scent
of contented ducks below –
such misery of blind bats
enjoys not the simple
happiness of ducks.

On the ground,
a group of sparrows
in a small pond
made by rain in a hole
in the dirt –
bat listens and waits for death –
the Earth will not comply.


Monday, January 2, 2017


The Difference Between Diet Pepsi & Diet Coke*

H – he

S – she

 S-   If you're going out, could you get me some cigarettes?

H -   Yeah, I’m thinkin’ about goin’ out now.  I wanna buy a bottle of Diet Coke.

S -   Ok, but why?  I saw a whole bottle in there already.

H -   Oh, when was that?

S -   Oh, I don’t know,  yesterday or this morning maybe.

H -   No, that was only Diet Pepsi.

S -   So why do you also need Diet Coke?

H -   I already finished the Diet Pepsi.

S -   You’re kidding!  In only one day?

10 minutes later.....

H -   I had to get Diet Pepsi.  Not the one you like, regular Diet Coke.

S   -  Oh?

H -   But I also bought Decaffeinated Diet Coke.

S -   Oh?

……..(1 minute pause)…..

S -   So did you get me the cigarettes?

H -   What?!  You didn't tell me you wanted cigarettes.

S -   (Sigh.) 


*[true story!  sometime in the early 2000's]

[That was a long time ago when we could still buy cigarettes.  Now we roll our own tobacco.]

Continuing dialogue between me and EF

Me:  Hello again.
EF:  Hello.
Me:  I don't see so much of you since yesterday.  It's not just the little belly is a little smaller.  My legs are thinner.
EF:  Yeah.
Me:  I think you may be starting to get the point.
EF:  It's not me, it's you.
Me:  But will it last?
EF:  I don't know.  I'll be around if you want me.
Me:  Ok - But wait, this is too easy.  After those peanut butter cookies you had me baking for Christmas, why is it now I see you might be going away?
EF:  I think you might be getting it.
Me:  Me?  I thought you were the one who was moving away, or suddenly seems to be.
EF:  Sometimes you can't tell.  But I'm here if you miss me.
Me:  You said that already.
