Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Note on Legalization of Marijuana

As a substance abuse counselor myself, this is the only solution I can possibly come up with to this problem:

The best place to make marijuana a legal activity would be under the sea, where the fish could enjoy the fragrance. But, how could you ever enjoy a smoke underwater?

Anyway, the only smoke that I do enjoy, in extreme moderation, of course, is American Spirit tobacco, hand-rolled by me, and thereby I smoke 2-3 actual cigarettes per day, having just a few puffs at a time. It is worth it to do it this way, because it is the most fun activity around besides plain old sex. Not to mention a constant supply of nice black hot coffee is nice. The thing that gets me about the substance abuse counseling "field" today is that they are expecting everybody to give up anything but breathing and biting - perhaps - their fingernails. Oh yes, this is true. They could even be clipping their toenails to the bone, or compulsively cutting their hair shorter and shorter, eating their own hair, which amounts to a great deal of hair in the stomach and develops sometimes into a life or death problem..... and of course, another activity that deprived and thereby somewhat depraved people might pretend to enjoy on some level would be pulling their hair out by the roots and screaming Bloody Mary or something like that.

In short, the whole "field" is probably now such an unearthly chaotic mess that I got out a good many years ago, having witnessed one staff "party" where (many former alcoholics like me) "the counselors" were having a good time drinking. This is when the old "Is this reality?" kicks in.

You could only stand outside and smoke, because that already just doesn't fit in. We know who started that problem. Wouldn't it have been better, and still could be better, to establish simply, "smoking restaurants" and "smoking bars" and whatnot, and save us from the trouble of having to stand outside in the cold at subzero temperatures in NY, just to have a smoke? (Thereby we could catch pneumonia or just develop a bad cold.) Before I go on, I want to stop and tell an often-heard joke by my father in my childhood regarding colds vs pneumonia.

I am still not sure whether he made this up or heard it somewhere, like all of his treasured jokes. So here it is now, I'm not sure how it's going to come out. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx note to me, insert later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        

My way of smoking would not take more than two seconds to smoke just for a moment and go back. Going and coming could take 10 minutes both ways. Exaggerating, maybe 7 minutes only, who knows.

3 things for today

If you'd like to be mentally paralyzed by credit debt, try going paperless! In many cases you might even earn an extra $5/yr. by doing so!   *(seriously, this is true!)


It Seems to Me -

The first thing that strikes me about marriage is that it should be illegal. Why should two kids romp around and play together permanently when they aren't satisfied with romping around and playing yet?

Unfortunately, the rest of what I once started with beyond the first sentence is entirely lost to my immediate memory. But this will be soon continued.

Notwithstanding I have only seen (6) pairs of eyes on this blog yet, and don't know how many more than two besides me (I don't think there were more than two besides me) ...whoops, lost that construction, let's start again.

Regardless of the fact that very few people seem to be reading this blog, much less the older blog which was started about 3-4 yrs. before this one .....if anybody has an idea to follow the first paragraph, I have a suggestion. Could they please, for me, write their own little essay and return it here as a comment? If anyone does this, they will get a big gold star on their paper and a quick happy face with wild curly hair on top and all around, almost to the point of looking like an excited little sun! I would so love for someone besides me, I always respond to things like this, for someone to go ahead and submit their own variation. As Barbra Streisand often has repeated, Discuss.......

To All Those "New Physicists"

If any of you are still scratching your tired and itchy heads, still losing hair, and wondering why this is, why this than that, or anything else that your little peabrain full of mathematical formulas and other confusing devices, could come up with today, tomorrow, or yesterday - and no my little dears, the three are not the same, so how could yesterday, today and tomorrow even be on the same wavelength, if you would prefer it in your own terms? I'm sure you would. (not to mention, today, tomorrow and yesterday are by the way, three different WORDS)

So little dears, please be satisfied with the gifts of God's goodness and be well and happy, not cold or too hot and not starving. Who is the devil? Who is God? Could any one simple answer suffice here? Of course not.

Why are we here? Do we know the ultimate meaning of life on earth and other planets? Did we create our own eyes, ears and horoscopes? No, we did not.

What it is, is what it is. NOW, WHAT'S NEXT?


Tuesday, November 13, 2018


There's some baggage
in your brain
that only wandering
can clear

If you travel well,
you lose all your luggage

How I wish I could write to Mumia Abu Jamal,

to him for whom no pardon ever comes -

whoops, I just found this too

another perfect 17-syllable haiku

She's still tottering up
her bank balance
with a stiff
arthritic hand

One Happy Thought


Accidentally Found Today

This just now I happened to grab out now from a nearby old notebook.....
(p.s. so damn many of those are already gone due to some extra-efficient housecleaning)


When I re-write over and over, I get tired, and my words can get tired too. Sometimes the original is the freshest. Sometimes, after much re-writing,  I may cross it all out  and sum it up in different words. This is how to get at the idea in a fresh stream, not a stagnant river, anywhere. not moving.

This is how to approach things I can't finish:  read it, and then start over. If I have allowed it to sit a long time, then my ideas should be clearer than when I started. Using the old, hack-ed up part for an outline, I create something fresh.

Monday, October 29, 2018

wait til later now.

again, what happened unexpectedly again, right?

you already knew that didn't you, right?
any minute now...great joke remembered fro0m youth, wow! huh?...
enter, great joke. ...

something unexpected almost resdy to tell great joke

anotyher another great thing I just found...excuse me...

Plerase please note...

I think it might be time to make coffee....now?

Good morning now, some more people.

next problem, please -remembher Harold Camping ugh

beginning to start something else, time to make coffee yet?

6:44 a.m. Brooklyn, NY before magic aide is coming @ 8 a.m. or by &:50 7:50 a.m. whan I will let her in by pne phone- time to make coffee Please.....

best pic. yet, taken in Dr. Malik's ofc. with my phone

time to make coffe yet, 6:37 a.m. Mon. mornign more later

needs a lot of time, no time now...something long ago song

can I make coffee yetr? 6:36 a.m. still Monday

6:35 a.m. Oct. 29, 2018 some other things not started yet

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Something about Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is as much a Gordon Lightfoot fan as I am. Therefore I have a feeling that one of the reasons he chose not to go and accept his Nobel Peace Prize? or Pulitzer Prize? was that Gordon Lightfoot also deserves a Pulitzer Prize. He is nearing his 80th birthday now!

What I really think is that the two of them should be awarded a Pulitzer Prize together. Wow, would that ever be beautiful to see.ON THE OTHER HAND, my fervent wish is for both of them to live as much longer as they like without being shot or something. Looks like to me in-person, at least in the USA today (a very good paper, with a capital T, and in color print yet -- not only that, but in the old days I once had a job selling it over the phone, and I liked it so much it wasn't too much of a problem for me, although I don't remember how many people actually signed up for the subscription) ...

it is very dangerous to appear as a star, or travel as one, (or even any old person, with the travel problems these days, especially chaos on the highways)  ...we do remember that lovely Princess Diana was crushed by two cars in one wicked and careless disaster, I don't know, but I could swear that was unnecessary, ...

-- And here I send my prayers to Heaven for the ever-lovely Princess Diana ...

... And here I insert the repeated prayers to Heaven for the wonderful Aretha Franklin, who just died awhile ago, and no one on the radio seems to have remembered it or her at all....

.... Sigh ...What a careless and inefficient world this is after all, time after time. And here is my 2nd favorite rock star and rock song, this one by Cyndi Lauper, yes, Time After Time. This of course follows my choice for #1 Meatloaf - with You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth.

I must get back to the point about chaos on the highways, the third paragraph. I was almost afraid I had goofed and taken part of that out, but it's still there. Now I'm just praying the computer does not find a way to lose all this, so just for the moment I will sign out and come back to this other issue, which concerns marijuana. Over and out.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Something About Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker once said, (not quite sure actual words), "I don't like writing, but I enjoy having written." The problem there of course is that she got it backwards.

Turning around to see the bowling pins fall down is not what you need to do. Let someone else watch that. All you know is that you nailed it for sure. My game, of course, was always terrible, the balls usually went straight into the gutter. (And you could smoke and drink beer in bowling alleys. I don't see any bowling alleys around anymore. Anyone know of one in Brooklyn?)

Dorothy Parker of course got her kicks by drinking, so that I guess was what she did afterward. You see why writing is really the most fun part of all?

She said some really amazing things too. One I especially liked was, I've never been a millionaire, but I think I'd make a damned good one. I hope those are the exact words, but I'm not putting quotes around it.


If you are really there in a conversation, soon after you should probably not remember it at all.

If you are really responding to what the other person says, you may forget something else you wanted to say. So you should ask the person standing there if he is in a hurry to rush off, to please wait a minute while you think what was the last thing you wanted to say. It should really take only about one minute to remember it.

If you could possibly see that anything you just said sounded really stupid, you should hope the other person would notice and say, Hey, I don't know about that question you just asked me. Didn't you know that already? Instead, he will only say to himself, Gee this girl is really stupid and naive.

If at some point you remember or can get back to that conversation in your head (the sad thing is that it might be 30 yrs. later), don't you just wish you had said it right back then?

George (Jason Alexander) from Seinfeld once tried to do over a scene (about shrimp in the ocean) where he wanted so badly to respond a certain way, he set up that scene again somehow and ended up looking ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! I think he would make a great Shakespearean actor, if he is not already. How about King Lear?

Actually, I do see Dorothy Parker's point, but let's not overdo the marvelous relaxation afterward! Or find some other way to celebrate other than drinking! But boy was she ever a delicious writer!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Holy Shyte!

My blood pressure has been growing steadily up. Haven't had any sleep, have to go to bed straightaway! Now I'm talking to nobody but one friend here. Well ok. That's important.

On temporarily signing out

If you are logging out of a blog, can you say "I'm blogging out now?"

Something about Aretha Franklin, etc.

This is difficult. First I have to announce that "I'm Jewish," which is difficult for anybody. Ok, I was brought up as a Reform Jew and became a Christian, but that's another story. What I'm finding out is that I really love and respect the Orthodox Jews for some of their natural wisdom. I'm sure that I have had at least one Orthodox Jewish past life. I learned about it on an online reading once, it was probably on Tarot.com. Sometimes I have found myself instinctively doing things and have no idea why I'm doing them and don't even notice it until later. After Aretha Franklin died I somehow let the hairs grow all over my face, until I started plucking them today. Unbelievable but when I looked at myself in the mirror today I also saw that I'm turning grey! I like it.

I also have met and know some Orthodox Jewish people who are quite liberal about it. Funny, my parents used to say, Where you have two Jews, there will be three opinions. It's an old saying. At least one Russian family I knew were liberal Orthodox and always put a Christmas tree up for New Years! I tutored with their children and also with their grandmother. The exclamation points I use a lot come from their mother, who used to use them all the time in her text messages to me. I think it's happy and upbeat. I have an old friend who also does this a lot in her infrequent cards to me, like for my birthday, well I always love hearing from her whenever it is.

Now this I really can't believe. One day I just put on some old clothes and started renting my garments (I don't know how I knew how to say that) or tearing them and crying. A friend told me it was Tisha B'av. Now I wasn't sure what Tisha B'av was before, didn't exactly know what it was about, til he told me. Never studied it, celebrated it, that is to say, commemorated it at all.

To get back to Aretha Franklin, I really miss her, and we all do. Entertainment Weekly, which I just happened to pick up that day, from Aug. 31, 2018, is a Special Tribute issue to Aretha.  1942-2018. We should all say a little prayer now and be grateful that Aretha Franklin was here for us in this world. Her picture on the cover of this issue was taken by Linda McCartney in 1968.

Oh and I like how the Orthodox Jews think about Messianic Jews. They say, once you turn Christian, you are a Christian. There are no Messianic Jews. Well, yes and no, but that's what I really think too. Nevertheless you just can't forget Judaism. Now I would rather call myself a Jewish Christian. Don't you think that's a better title, all of you Messianic Jews? Now what are you talking about afterall, by celebrating only Jewish holidays and fogetting all about Christmas and Easter?

I hope this is not too boring. Meanwhile it helps me a lot.

Useful advice about relationships & continuing them

When you develop an acquaintance with someone, or start a conversation with someone, unless they are unbearable, don't drop the thread, that means of course not just like a FB thread, but the thread of an idea, train of thought, or an energy thread that connects you with another person in some way. (If they are unbearable you should really drop them from your list.)  Sometimes it might take 5 yrs. to get back to it, but if you feel like it, go back to where you left off. If they do not respond to you then you can let go.

Say what you have to say to people, or about people on Yelp, etc. Just say it even if you think it's stupid. On the computer you can always revise it later, but then if somebody's already read it, they probably will never go back at all to see the change. I once belonged to a group, or website, called Blurtit. It was fabulous, people blurting all over the place. I don't think it exists anymore.

You should remember to thank people appropriately when they have done you a world of good or given you something nice. A gift always helps too, when you are trying to mend a relationship of whatever kind, friendship, business or otherwise. It's a social network. You are not alone in this world. The phone, internet, sending pictures electronically, all these things and many more tie us together like never before, and can do it instantly. Thoughts travel, feelings are passed on. Everything can work better if you express yourself.

Understanding yourself is helpful to your own self-esteem and also helps others in tremendous ways. It's alright to take some time to get in touch with yourself any way you can do it, preferably several different ways.

Beginning of Autobiography

Here is the beginning. I'm not sure when I'll go back to this again.

I'm really an old homespun kind of girl, but I became kinda wild and crazy for a lot of years (some people would say I'm still crazy) mostly because of my cloistered upbringing and the fact that I was a PK. For those who don't know that term, a PK is a preacher's kid. We invariably (my favorite word is invariably) don't want to set a good example for everybody just because we are a PK. Those who know me or are getting to know me will have picked up both of those two qualities in me. Hey you guys, doesn't that really turn you on? I thought it would. Whoops, there goes my flirty side.

Perhaps (I like that so much better than "maybe." People may think it sounds too artsy-fartsy or something, but I don't care.) So perhaps the main reason I have been depressed all these years is that I could never have a baby. I seemed to know somehow that I never would, even from my teens, when every girl starts to think about it, and some of those young girls do, against their will or not, begin to have babies.

When I finally die, these will be my last words: I can't believe I'm dying. There's so much more to do! Lately I'm like the White Rabbit, always rushing around to get something, do something, get anything done.

thoughts for today

If you are a writer, make writing your life. If you are a painter, make painting your life. If you are both, God help you!

Realize your weaknesses. Sometimes you have to give up and ask for help. Also sometimes, you have to just get out of the kitchen. Don't let anyone or anything disturb your peace of mind or your routines. People will tell you sometimes, "It's not all about you." But you know what? It is all about you! That is, you must first develop yourself. Then you can help others.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I'm ending this blog...

This is the end.

Two hours to write one short poem....

A Life

Youth was juggling
confused days
trying to forge some
existential meaning.

Adult life broke;
we awoke
to new kinds of pain.

At last joy is found;
we almost get the
knack of living.
And with age
we forget much.

God’s tears spill down
as summer rain.
The rainbow appears.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

New poem

                                As Sure

                                As sure as blood flows
                                through my veins,
                                I hold the reins.

                                I am living a lie;
                                I must take care of “I.”

                                I’m an old ship
                                on an ancient sea.

                                Isn’t it time
                                to think about me?


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Save penguins and Antarctic wildlife!


Copy and paste into your browser

On Writing, Revision, and Sculpture

Concerning the poem, I have now entirely deleted it. The reason, it was written in the first person and highly exaggerated, also it used real names. I have read that in writing about self and family, first you must change the names and also generally not write it in the first person. This is especially true when a poem is too personal. I spent close to an hour revising the original, or I would prefer to say sculpting it.

Michelangelo said that inside the block of marble, the figure is already there. His job was just to chip away until the vision became a reality. Revising writing is much the same, especially in poetry, where you must be as succinct as possible to describe something in the best possible way. It also helps to have a thorough knowledge of the wonderful English language, with so many nuances of meaning and words derived from other languages, that the unabridged dictionary weighs half a ton. Nonetheless, writing is largely instinctive, and can be done and should be done by everybody.

There are definitely times when a blog or a diary helps to unravel thoughts and feelings that would otherwise go unsaid and continue to invade the psyche in treacherous ways, without working out any solutions or understanding what's really going on in our heads.

I want to tell a story about Robert Frost, many times repeated to me by my mother.
This writer's custom was to work all day at his writing in a room upstairs in his house and only come downstairs to join his wife for meals. At lunchtime one day his wife asked him, "What did you do this morning, dear?" To which he replied, "I took out a comma." When he came down for dinner, she asked him again, "And what did you do this afternoon, dear?" To which he replied, "I put the comma back in."

This story illustrates the attention to detail which most of us are plagued with. One must not only write but learn how to revise constantly, until Michelangelo's Pieta finally arrives. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Revision: very important; and today's report

very important:  Whoever is reading this, I want you to know I changed the poem called "The Lonelinesss" in the post called "2 more poems."
It was terrible. I picked out the best part. If you read it the first time, I'm sorry, it was a total bunch of crap.

I have a new "Smart" phone, but I am not smart enough to use it, or it isn't that smart, it's too termperamental, or I am..

Saturday, June 9, 2018

what a day!

I'm feeling kinda lazy
My computer is driving me crazy
At least I have no pain
Just checking my e-mail again
is a major chore and such a bore
I've got four e-mail addresses
No, make that five
There's one I never use
Today I have a very short fuse
I'm dazed and confused
Somebody help me
untangle the web
of dreams askew
and find me something
better to do!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


I Sing of Medication

Fissure of Lamotrigine,
Stream of Sertraline,
Anti-depressant rivers
and tributaries
in their steady course wake up
a stagnant brain...

Come to my aid,
waters of surcease.
Ease the aching, the longing,
the tiredness.
Wash up to my feet
sparkling stones
of happiness.

Let me open weary eyes
to the Heart
of Llight and God.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Isn't it?

For Reverend K., Whose Favorite Phrase was "Isn't it?"

It isn't always isn't it!
It could be wasn't it!
It could be why not after all?
Or doesn't it!
Mustn't it?
Couldn't it?
Wouldn't it?
Shouldn't it?
Why not??
Doesn't it?



Sunday, May 13, 2018

Verrazano Bridge

(This was a scene one black night outside my hospital window.)

The Verrazano Bridge at Night

I’m counting the lights twinkling,
enormity of vastness.

Smiling, two jubilant red cherry sparkles on top –
bright against steel grey,
chambers grey night –


Friday, April 27, 2018

Reminder to Self

1. Remember that I have been sick before,and I can get through this.
2.This is really the best time of  my life.
3. I will vow to act cheerful until I am actually cheerful. too. It brightens up those around you. It works!
4. I have everything I need right now.
5. We were  born to be happy. It is possible to be happy. and to stop overthinking and anxiety.

Love from Self to Self, RC

Friday, March 2, 2018

For Lillian, RIP 2/22/16

African Violets

Long, long ago
in my mother's house
African violets
were strangely flourishing,
though most people
watched theirs wither and
lose faith in ever being
understood by mortal man
or woman.

My mother was very good at
"benign neglect;"
(Perhaps I should call it
Divine neglect.)
Flowers found her kindness,
her whenever-she-thought-of-it waterings,
never too soon, nor too late.

Mostly I'm sure they
did appreciate, she had read
somewhere, these tender violets,
being tropical plants,
must be given warm water in a dish
underneath the pot,
where through the hole at the bottom
the flowers would suck up the water gently,
at their own pace.

That was my mother,
not too careless, or too close;
a pervasive negativity
could be shattered by a flower
or a smile....


Thursday, March 1, 2018

poem for today


Walk carefully
through your life.
A detour may be
your best bet sometimes.

Take a deep breath.
Embrace what is hard:
snow, rain, wind,
quitting smoking.

Love every creature
that you meet.
If you have cats,
be aware of their thoughts.

You can always choose
another direction,
but still, every
place you walk forward,
the path is
straight ahead.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Thursday thoughts


A kindly presence meets my eyes
each morning, and I praise the skies;

Give me Peace
that I will not fall;
I give my heart
to embrace all.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

2 poems & a haiku


Static coming from the radio
even though it isn't on,
toaster-oven mysteriously singing too;
murmurs, cat cries,
everything still as a pin.


Why Am I So Scared?
by Carol Goss & Ruth Campbell

I hear there is an atom bomb,
and I remember VietNam.
This world is sure hell.
I'd hate to see them make a fire
where I dwell.

The Statue of Liberty is trembling now.
She's almost falling in the sea.
She's smoking her last cigarette,
and I'm afraid for thee and me.



If the sparrow
doesn't hop around,
he'll never get
any birdseed.
